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How to use Docker Hub

Waht is Docker Hub

Docker Hub is the world's largest library and community for container images

How to use Docker Hub

Web Sites

Serch Commands

Official Docker images
docker search centos --filter is-official=true

Docker image with more than 50 stars
docker search centos --filter=stars=50

How to push MyDocker to Docker Hub

# vi Dockerfile

# docker build -f Dockerfile .
# docker images
# docker run --rm -it xxxxxxxxxxx /bin/bash
  Configure something
# docker images
# docker inspect  xxxxx
# docker diff xxxxx
# docker history xxxx

# docker images
# docker tag xxxxxxx  USER/docker-test
# docker images
# docker login
Username: USER
Password: *******
Email: ******@********

# docker push USER/docker-test

My favorite Docker Images

Official OS


Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating system based on free software.

docker pull ubuntu:20.04  #27.27 MB
docker pull ubuntu:18.04  #25.49 MB


The official build of CentOS.

docker pull centos:latest

docker pull centos:centos8
docker pull centos:centos8.1.1911    #69.84 MB

docker pull centos:centos7.7.1908
docker pull centos:centos7

Official Middlware


The Apache HTTP Server Project

docker pull httpd:2.4   # 64.08 MB
docker pull httpd:2.4.41  #6 4 MB


Official build of Nginx.

docker pull nginx:stable   #50.83 MB

docker pull nginx:1.18.0   #50.83 MB


This image has been deprecated in favor of the jenkins/jenkins:lts image provided and maintained by Jenkins Community as part of project's release process. The images found here will receive no further updates after LTS 2.60.x. Please adjust your usage accordingly.

docker pull jenkins:latest

docker pull jenkins:2.60.3  #301.66 MB

docker pull jenkins:2.60.3-alpine   #160.25 MB

Official Programming Langages


While designed for web development, the PHP scripting language also provides general-purpose use.

docker pull php:fpm-alpine3.11      #27.83 MB



Fabric is a Python library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks.

docker pull dolphm/fabric


his is a docker container for Python Fabric. It can be used with to deploy projects with Fabric.

docker pull geshan/fabric-alpine
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD:/app" geshan/fabric-alpine fab -l

alias fab='docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD:/app" geshan/fabric-alpine fab'
fab -l

Docker CLI Commands Cheet Sheat

middleware/container/docker/dockerhub.txt ยท Last modified: 2020/05/01 by admin

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