Table of Contents

Cisco Logging Configuration Examples


Operation Command
switch#show logging


Operation Command
Host# clear logging
Host(config)# logging on
Host(config)# no loging on
Host# clear logging

Syslog Server

Operation Command
Host(config)# logging
Host(config)# logging trap warnings
Host(config)# logging trap errors
Host(config)#logging buffered 8192


Stopping interface up/down log to syslog server
Host(config)# interface FastEthernet4/0/18
Host(config-if)# no logging event link-status
Host(config-if)# no snmp trap link-status
Restarting interface up/down log to syslog server
Host(config)# interface FastEthernet4/0/18
Host(config-if)# logging event link-status
Host(config-if)# snmp trap link-status

Logging Level

0 emergencies
1 alerts
2 critical
3 errors
4 warnings
5 notifications
6 informational
7 debugging