Table of Contents

Cisco Interface Configuration Examples

Checking Interface

Operation Command Example
Host#sh int status
Host# show interfaces status
Host#show interfaces PORT status
Host#sh int status | i XXX
Host#show interfaces fa0/3 status
Router#show ip int brief
Host#show run interfaces INTERFACEHost#show run int fa0/0
Host#show interfaces
Host#show interfaces Interface
Host#show interfaces fastehternet 0/3

Setting Interface

Operation Command Example
Host(config-if)#no shutdown
Host(config-if)#description DISCRIPTION
Host(config)# default interface gi3/0/37
Host(config-if)#speed 10
Host(config-if)#speed 100
Host(config-if)#speed 1000
Host(config-if)#speed auto
Host(config-if)#duplex full
Host(config-if)#duplex half
Host(config-if)#duplex auto
Host(config-if)#mdix auto
Host(config-if)#no mdix auto
If you use mdix auto, you must “speed auto” and “duplex auto”
Disable auto negotiate in Cisco IOS CiscoIOS(config-if)# speed nonegotiate
Disable auto negotiate in NX-OS NX-OS(config-if)# no negotiate auto

How to configure an interface to default settings

Host# conf t
Host(config)# default interface gi3/0/37
Host(config)# interface gi3/0/37
Host# conf t
Host(config)# do sh int status | i 3/0/37
Host(config)# do sh run interface gi3/0/37

Host(config)# default interface gi3/0/37
Host(config)# interface gi3/0/37

Host(config)# do sh int status | i 3/0/37
Host(config)# do sh run interface gi3/0/37
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/1
Switch(config-if)# speed auto
Switch(config-if)# duplex auto
Switch(config-if)# mdix auto
Switch(config-if)# end

How to specify interfaces by range

Host(config)#int fa 0/1
Host(config)#interface FastEthernet 3/0/7

int range fa0/1-8
int range fa0/1, fa0/3, fa0/7
interface range gi 0/1 -2
interface range fastethernet 0/1 - 24
interface range gigabitEthernet 1/1 - 4
interface range fastEthernet 2 - 9
interface range GigabitEthernet 1/0/8 - 11

interface range gigabitethernet 1/0/13-14 , gigabitethernet 2/0/13-14