Table of Contents

Linux Commands#network

ss - How to use ss command in Linux with examples

ss - another utility to investigate sockets

man ss

       ss - another utility to investigate sockets

       ss [options] [ FILTER ]

       ss is used to dump socket statistics. It allows showing information similar to netstat.
       It can display more TCP and state informations than other tools.

       When no option is used ss displays a list of open non-listening TCP sockets that have established connection.

       -h, --help
              Show summary of options.

       -a, --all
              Display both listening and non-listening (for TCP this means established connections) sockets.

       -l, --listening
              Display only listening sockets (these are omitted by default).

       -p, --processes
              Show process using socket.

       -t, --tcp
              Display TCP sockets.

       -u, --udp
              Display UDP sockets.

ssh -h

$ ss -h
Usage: ss [ OPTIONS ]
       ss [ OPTIONS ] [ FILTER ]
   -h, --help          this message

   -a, --all           display all sockets
   -l, --listening     display listening sockets

   -t, --tcp           display only TCP sockets
   -u, --udp           display only UDP sockets

ss command Example

ss List all connections
ss -a List listening and non-listening ports
ss -l List listening ports
ss -lt List listening TCP connections
ss -ua List UDP socket connections
ss -lu List listening UDP socket connections
ss -at '( dport = :22 or sport = :22 )' List of ports 22


$ ss -t
State      Recv-Q Send-Q             Local Address:Port                              Peer Address:Port
ESTAB      0      96                 13.xx.xx.xx:22                                  14.xx.xx.xx:8901

-t(TCP) -l(listening)

$ ss -tl
State      Recv-Q Send-Q             Local Address:Port                              Peer Address:Port
LISTEN     0      128                                             *:*
LISTEN     0      128                                          *:*
LISTEN     0      128                            *:http                                         *:*
LISTEN     0      128                            *:22                                           *:*
LISTEN     0      128                            *:ddi-tcp-1                                    *:*
LISTEN     0      100                                                   *:*
LISTEN     0      128                            *:https                                        *:*
LISTEN     0      128                           :::22                                          :::*
LISTEN     0      100                          ::1:smtp                                        :::*