Table of Contents

NetApp Data ONTAP 7-Mode CLI Commands [Old Device]


Basic Knowlege


Checking Aggregation

Operation Command Complement
Display Aggregation aggr status
aggr status aggr1 -r
Displays free disk space. df -Ah
df -Am ← Megabyte
df -Ah aggr1
Displays a list of the RAID information for that aggregate. aggr status -r
Displays a listing of the spare disks on the node. aggr status -s


Creating Aggregate

> aggr create aggr0 -d 8a.16 8a.17 8a.18 8a.19
> aggr create aggr1 -B 64 3   <-  64bit 3 HDD

Adding a disk to aggregate

> aggr add aggr0 -d 8a.20

Deleting aggregate

> aggr aggr0 offline
> aggr aggr0 destoroy
